MMA Full  (SHOOT BOXING) –professional rules

SHOOT BOXING  is a discipline which allows the highest expression of martial art in a sporting fight where admitted.


Matches of shoot boxing are held on a ring like those used in kick boxing, preferably with four ropes, out of which there are the jury board and the three chairs of the side judges. The floor must be a mat and in any case it should be properly padded (at least 3 cm thick).Moreover it is possible to use the MMA cage.


Shoot boxing athletes must wear shorts, groin guard, open gloves covered on the thumbs mouth guard, hand wraps fixed by a single tape turn. Gloves should reach the middle point of knuckles and have a pad at least 3 cm thick. Women must wear a chest protector. The fighting safety equipment must be of an approved type and will be inspected by the competition jury.Mouth guard should be properly placed and it is not allowed to fight with open mouth.


Prestige fight3  x  3′

National championship                    4  x  3′

European championship                 5  x  3′

World championship                       6  x  3′



It is allowed to hit the whole body with the exception of spine,  nape, throat and groin, with punches, kicks, shin techniques, knee techniques.It is not allowed to hit the ‘opponent on the ground and it is forbidden to hit while you are on the ground.

The athlete who has even a hand or a knee in contact with the carpet is considered to be in ground position.


It is allowed to seize, hold and throw the opponent in every way but not during finalization. Besides it is allowed to hit while seizing or being seized. It is not allowed to throw  the opponent knocking him on the neck head first or causing him to fall on his knees. It is not allowed to hurl the antagonist beyond the ropes.

A “takedown” is considered any way one is able to carry or push the opponent to the ground either falling on the opponent or remaining standing. A “takedown” is considered valid any way in which the opponent winds up on the ground, even due to his/her own fault.

It is forbidden to hold on to the ropes.If after a throw, the athlete is unable to return promptly to fight, the referee is counting up to 8, and subsequently if the athlete is unable to continue he is declared «out of action» as in case of a normal KO.


It’s allowed to block the opponent on the mat in any manner, but only the combatant who gains a position of advantage will obtain points.  It is allowed to do locks and chokes both to keep up the immobilization and to obtain the surrender. In case of surrender the match ends with the win due to abandonment. However if the referee stops the match because he thinks there is a dangerous situation, a count is made. Referee stops fight after 5″ clinch situation on ground.

Vantage points are given based primarily on the position of  theopponent, except for the rear mount which is still considered advantageous position. The Referee ascertains the stability of the position (after about 5 seconds), signals the hold with his arm stretched out and counts out loudin order to be heard by the athletes up to 5 which coincides with the stop and then assigns the points .If during the counts the situation is reversed  or the fighter escapes the lock the referee stops the fightand raises the athletes ordering them to stand up. However if during the count  the fighter applying the lock changes to another kind of lock without loosing his advantage  the count continues. If at the end of the 5 second count, after the award of the points, the athlete is unable to promptly resume fighting  the referee continues to count up to 8 and subsequently if the fighter is still unable to continue the «KO» is declared.


In Shoot boxing  finalization by choking, strangling ,compression and arm bars is allowed. Submission ends the fight. Fighter can not use his hands to attack his opponent’s face. The referee may stop a pending submission if he considers it dangerous for the athlete. This will result in the deduction of 1 point from the score of the athlete who underwent submission. In case of loss of mouth guard during ground fighting the Referee does not stop the fighting. The Referee will have it replaced at the end of  theground fighting phase.

Ripping (violently applied) joint locks are not allowed. They should always be executed progressively. It is not allowed to apply submission techniques to fingers.



At the end of each round the side judges give 10 points to the better fighter and 9 points to his opponent ( 8 if there has been a remarkable gap ). Then they subtract the points owing to penalties and counts, marking the total score on the “round” column. At the end of the match the result will be given by the sum of the points obtained in each round. In case of equal  points in an elimination tournament the judge must give his preference.

The winner is declared by a majority of verdicts.

It is allowed to file a claim which must be submitted in writing immediately after the match to the chairman followed by the pertinent fee.


The central referee supervises the bout, he is the first to enter the ring. Referee starts the fighting with the word » fight «, stops it with the word » stop » or parts the  fighters in a prolonged clinch with the word » break «, at the utterance of which, after a step backward, the fight automatically begins again. He signals the projection with his uplifted arm and the immobilization with his horizontally stretched arm, while counting aloud, close enough to the fighters as to be clearly heard up to 5 seconds, before stopping the match and giving the immobilization points. If the referee sees a dangerous situation he can interrupt the count and in this case, the immobilization without delay. If at the end of the  5 seconds count after the award of the points the athlete is unable to promptly resume fighting  the referee continues to count up to 10 as in the case of the usual   knock — down. The same thing happens after a projection, starting this time the count from 1. The central referee can at any time count the fighter who is supposed to be in trouble, or declare the defeat due to evident superiority. In case of injury he must consult the doctor. He can ask the timekeeper to interrupt the time and  stops the fight if after a projection, an immobilization does not immediately follow or if there is a reverse of the situation while the count has already begun. The Referee immediately stops the count during immobilization if he thinks the athlete is in danger.


10)  JUDGE

The side judge evaluates techniques, combinations, number of blows hitting the target, efficacy,  projections and  immobilizations. He fills in every part of the scoring paper.


The jury consists of the timer keeper who stops the time only at the central referee’ s request and signals the » seconds out » 10 seconds before the beginning of each round, the ring announcer, the commissioner who is the ultimate authority for the entire competition, the ringside doctor whose duty is to decide if an injured fighter can continue to fight or not. His decision is indisputable.




For each round award of the points is based on the following scoring criteria:

Throw taking both legs off the ground……………………………………….       3

Throw             ……………………………………………………………………………2

Takedown   …………………………………………………………………………………..1

Immobilization ……………………………………………………………………………    1

Side immobilization……………………………………………………………………….  2

Immobilization over the body (“mounting and rearmounting“)……….     ..3

Punch……………………………………………………………  1

Kick to the leg…………………………………………………..1

Kick to the body………………………………………………..2

Kick to the head………………………………………………..3

Great efficacy of the technique …………………………………………………………       1

Knee kick to the body……………………………………………………………………………..1

Knee kick to the head……………………………………………………………………………..2

Count…………………………………………………………… point less on the final score



Men:  kg -56,700,   61,200,   65,800, 70,300, 77,100,  83,900,  93,00, + 93,00

Women: kg -52,00,  56,700, 61,200,  68,00, +68,00

The minimum age is 18 (16 with the written permission of parents )


In case both athletes go out of the competition area thus compelling  thereferee to stop the fight the referee has the following choice of making decisions:

A: One of the two athletes is mounted in a lateral position.  In this case the referee takes the fight to the center of the ring in a lateral mount position or full mount. In both cases the one above puts his hands on the ground on the side of the opponent’s body and the one below  girds the opponent’s waist.
B: None of the athletes had achieved  the lateral mount position or full mount. In this case the fight is resumed in standing position.
C: One of the two athletes had a pending finalization. The referee assigns a point less (on final score) to  theathlete who suffered the risk of the finalization and the fight is resumed in standing position.


In the event of the injury due to the foul technique the injured fighter has  3 minutes  to  try to recover and decide whether to continue the fightsubject to the discretion of the ringside doctor.


The «clinch» is a stalemate, both fighters standing or in  ground position during approximately 5 seconds without any actions on the part of one of the  fighters (or both of them) in an attempt  to turn the fight to his/her advantage. Please note that clinch might be also an attempt to reach the time limit of the fight without trying to achieve submission of the opponent.

M.M.A  ELITE     professional rules

The MMA is a discipline that allows the highest expression of martial arts in a fight where  the knockout is permitted.


MMA matches are heldinside acaged octagon 7- 10 meters in diameteror,alternatively, in a ring similar tothe ones used inkickboxing preferablywith four ropes.In any case thefloor mat must be adequately padded.The padding should be at least 3 cm thick.


MMA fighters should wear Bermuda-length  shorts.

The protective gear consists of a groin cup, open-hand glovescovered on the thumbs anda mouthpiece. Gloves should reach the middle point of knuckles and have a pad at least 3 cm thick. Women must also wear a T-shirt or top and chest guard. Guards must be of approved types and will be checked by the jury. The mouthpiece must be tightly fit and the combatant will not be allowed to fight with mouth open.

MMA gloves

  1. There should be 3-4 cm thick padding
  2. Thumbs should be covered
  3. The padding on the thumb should be between 0.5 and 1 cm thick.
  4. Gloves should reach the middle point of knuckles.


National title and prestige fight:      Three 5 minutes rounds with 2 minutes interval

Europe Champion title:                     Four 5 minutes rounds with 2 minutes interval

World Champion title:                       Five 5 minutes rounds with 2 minutes interval

Tournaments:     Two 5 minutes rounds with 1 minute 30 seconds interval


Class A:It is allowed to hit the whole body with the exception of spine, nape, top of the head, throat and groin with punches (closed fist), kicks, knees, shin techniques. Elbow strikes arelegal only if they are executed in circular path  without downward vertical movement and without hitting the target with the tip.With one or both fighters on the ground,the same blows are allowed but only punches can be delivered to the head.Fighter in ground position is allowed to kick his standing opponent in the face.


It is allowed to grab, hold and throw the opponent in any manner. It is also possible to strike while grabbing. Holding on to the ropes or the cage is forbidden. It is not allowed to launch the ‘opponent over the ropes. It is not allowed to project  the opponent knocking him on the neck head first or causing him to fall on his knees.


It’s allowed to block the opponent on the mat in any manner, but only the combatant who gains a position of advantage and keeps it for minimum 5 seconds will obtain points.  It is allowed to do locks and chokes both to keep up the immobilization and to obtain the surrender.Vantage points are given based primarily on the position of  theopponent, except for the rear mount which is still considered advantageous position.


It is allowed to finalize the match by choking, strangling,compression, arm, leg or foot bars, locks (except finger locks). Submission ends the fight. Fighter can not use his hands to attack his opponent’s face(mouth, nose, eyes).The referee can interrupt a submission situation in progress if he believes it to be dangerous for the fighter who is suffering it, awarding victory to the other fighter. In case of loss of mouth guard during ground fighting the Referee orders the fighters to hold their positions, allow the mouthpieceto be re-inserted, and then resume the match.



At the end of each round the side judges give 10 points to the better fighter and 9 points to his opponent ( 8 if there has been a remarkable gap ). Then they subtract the points owing to penalties and counts, marking the total score on the “round” column. At the end of the match the result will be given by the sum of the points obtained in each round. In case of equal  points in an elimination tournament the judge must give his preference.

The winner is declared by a majority of verdicts.

It is allowed to file a claim which must be submitted in writing immediately after the match to the chairman followed by the pertinent fee (50 Euro for national titles and 100 Euro for International).




The central referee is the first to enter the ring. Referee starts the fighting with the word “fight «, stops it with the word » stop » or parts the  fighters in a prolonged clinch with the word» break «, at the utterance of which, after a step backward, the fight automatically begins again. The referee separates the two combatants after theprolonged standing clinch or orders them to stand up after a prolonged clinch on the mat.

He ends the fight and awards a KO after three full power punches are thrown to the face of his/her passive opponent on the mat by the combatant who is above. At any moment the referee can stop a combatant he perceives to be in great difficulty or proclaimdefeat due to the evident superiority of his/her opponent.When an injury occurs he interrupts fighting and calls for the ringside doctor to evaluate the injury.



The judges evaluate techniques, combinations, number of blows hitting the target, efficacy,  projections and  immobilizations. Theyfill in every part of the scoring paper.


The jury consists of the timer keeper who stops the time only at the central referee’ s request and signals the » seconds out » 10 seconds before the beginning of each round, the ring announcer, the commissioner who is the ultimate authority for the entire competition, the ringside doctor whose duty is to decide if an injured fighter can continue to fight or not. His decision is indisputable.



For each round award of the points is based on the following scoring criteria:

Throw taking both legs off the ground……………………………………….      3

Throw             ……………………………………………………………………………2

Fall or slip even if it is not forced by the opponent  ……………………………….1

Immobilization ……………………………………………………………………………    1

Side immobilization……………………………………………………………………….  2

Immobilization over the body (“mounting and rear mounting“)……….    3

Any strike to a legal target……………………………………………………………… 1

Great efficacy of technique ……………………………………………………………  1

For a count received from referee one point less on the final score….  -1


Men:  kg -56,700,   61,200,   65,800, 70,300, 77,100,  83,900,  93,00, + 93,00

Women: kg -52,00,  56,700, 61,200,  68,00, +68,00

The minimum age is 18 years old (16 with the written permission of parents)


13)LEAVING THE FIGHTING AREA (when in the Ring)

In case both athletes go out of the competition area thus compelling  thereferee to stop the fight the referee has the following choice of making decisions:

A: One of the two athletes is mounted in a lateral position.  In this case the referee takes the fight to the center of the ring in a lateral mount position or full mount. In both cases the one above puts his hands on the ground on the side of the opponent’s body and the one below  girds the opponent’s waist.
B: None of the athletes had achieved  the lateral mount position or full mount. In this case the fight is resumed in standing position.
C: One of the two athletes had a pending finalization. The referee assigns a point less (on final score) to  theathlete who suffered the risk of the finalization and the fight is resumed in standing position.


In the event of the injury due to the foul technique the injured fighter has  3 minutes  to  try to recover and decide whether to continue the fightsubject to the discretion of the ringside doctor.

If the match is stopped because of an involuntary injury, the match is considered “no contest“ if the first round has not been completed. If at least the first round has been completed the scoring papers of the completed round(s) will determine the winner.


The «clinch» is a stalemate, both fighters standing or in  ground position during approximately 5 seconds without any actions on the part of one of the  fighters (or both of them) in an attempt  to turn the fight to his/her advantage.


The following techniques are not permitted:

  • Grabbing the shorts or gloves of the opponent
  • Grabbing the cage
  • Scratching the skin
  • Biting
  • Head butting
  • Pushing with the head the frontal parts of the face ( eyes, nose, mouth )
  • Using ointments, oils and creams on eyebrows, cheekbones and nose other than those permitted by the chief referee.

PLEASE NOTE: Any agreements between coaches that go beyond or take exception to these rules are to be considered totally unofficial and the referee can only enforce these official federation rules as they are written.